Plant A Tree with Every Purchase
In celebration of #WORLDWATERWEEK held this year from August 25-29 and our 4th year anniversary as a company, we planted 50 trees through our partner NGO TreeNation.
Let's look at the milestone we have achieved since we joined Treenation.org in their mission to reforest the world by planting 50 Trillion trees by 2050.
To date we have planted 290 trees and reforested 0.2 hectares
We have also captured 41.9 tonnes of C02 across our planting projects with TreeNation.org
We are thankful to TreeNation for its platform that allows us to participate in tree planting projects. We have joined TreeNation together with the 21,709 companies around the world not only to stop deforestation, not only to fight climate change but also to support local communities.
We are grateful to you our customers for helping us with this cause.
You can continue helping us with your online purchases. Each order you place through our website, our NGO partner TreeNation send you an email with regards to the tree we planted in your name.
Let's #ReforestTheWorld #OneTreeAtATime through #ReadingBooks and #LightingACandle from #WicksAndPages
Anna xx